Laptop Death
According to Wikipedia, death is a “permanent, irreversible cessation of all biological functions that sustain a living organism.” From a biological standpoint, dying is a natural process that we have to go through when we age. I feel like the invisible clock is always ticking. There are still many things that I want to say and do with my loved ones, friends, and myself.
Let’s picture ourselves as personal laptops experience a forced shutdown suddenly. No more Windows updates, tasks running, spinning laptop fan, overheating due to battery overcharging, etc. What’s next? It depends on your laptop situation, either get it fixed to live for a few years or more or recycled. That’s it. A simple and normal process.
If you’re reading this post, that means you are a laptop in good condition, having active programs running. To cope with any unexpected shutdown, back up and review important files/ good life memories. Kill any unwanted services and programs to release more system resources to rest. Make your battery last longer to be more productive. Install and explore software, of course, stay away from malware and virus in life.
It’s okay to multitask. Don’t let your laptop battery drain so fast that you consume more than you can handle. Once you’re shut down, all processes terminate. Everything is gone once you’re dead 🥀