Does nature abhor a vacuum in tech?
I was watching a series and this old saying came out: Nature abhors a vacuum. It means that empty spaces will soon be filled with something as unfilled spaces are against the laws of nature.
I recall something that was mentioned by my manager during lunch, “In the tech industry, timing is everything.” Let’s relate this to that Aristotle’s observation: If there is an empty space in the tech market, and you do not fill the gap by implementing your idea quickly, someone or your competitor will emerge and fill that.
In the tech workspace, nature will fill the void. To be a competitive industry player in R&D, you have to come up with something creative and fill it fast! The vacuum helps us identify what is missing or the next tech trend.
My take on this is filling up a vacuum in tech is a race against the clock. We need to remind ourselves to seize that opportunity by being proactive instead of reactive.